Alex Mandry Family Lawyers Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore Office

Family Lawyer Sunshine Coast

We provide sensitive advice and strong legal representation to get the best outcome for you, your children, and your finances.

Contact us for creative solutions on Separation and Divorce, Children's Issues, and Property concerns.

Book a consultation with Lawyer, Sandra Sinclair LLB:

  • Caring Specialist In Family Law.
  • Tough, Will Fight Hard For You.
  • Dispute & Accredited Mediator.
  • 40+ years helping Families.
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Family Lawyer in Sunshine Coast - Sandra Sinclair

    John Rugless Avatar
    John Rugless
    Very happy with their service. Professional and efficient. Hard working and definitely know what they are doing. I will never see another Lawyer ever again.
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    Shane David Avatar
    Shane David
    If you’re going through a rough family dispute, no matter if it’s big or small, then I 100% fully recommend the Alex Mandry group! I consider them one of the best in South Australia! They are the best in being professional, respectful, considerate, punctual and they are very eager to deliver the results you are seeking. I dealt mainly with Sandra and I couldn’t of been any more satisfied with the work and dedication she and her associates put into my case. So, if you think the odds are against you and feel as though everything is going against you, then I definitely recommend you give this dedicated firm a call! A big heart warming thank you from me to everyone with the Alex Mandry group. I wish you all the best.
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    Sophie Karnezis Avatar
    Sophie Karnezis
    I have been a client of this legal practice for a number of years now, mainly liaising with Ms Tracy Bland, and can honestly say that they are reliable, highly knowledgeable professionals who are thorough and detailed in the advice and support they provide. I have always been treated with kindness, respect and empathy and have an excellent working relationship with my legal team. Over the years I have utilised their services for predominantly family law matters including divorce, property settlement, children's matters as well as creating legal wills and power of attorney documents. I find that the team are across all issues and provide the necessary guidance and support needed during difficult personal situations. Great service by the whole team and I always feel comfortable approaching them with any thoughts, queries or issues that I may have. They are always happy to help and it never seems to be of any trouble to anyone I approach. They are also very understanding in terms of providing value for money and in keeping costs to a minimum. More than happy to recommend this wonderful practice.
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    Dave Coe Avatar
    Dave Coe
    Very happy with the service. All members of the team helped me with all issues, no matter how small. Very professional
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    premium service

    A Premium Service
    Without the
    Gold Plated Fees

    Supportive Team


    Years of Experience

    40+ Years in
    Resolving Separation & Divorce Issues

    Family Law Matters

    Experienced in
    Children's Issues
    & Property Division

    “We seek holistic solutions that are financially and emotionally better for you and your family.”

    We NEVER encourage you to go to Court. And we always encourage negotiation. Our role is to help you to retain the assets that are important to you. We give you sensible advice in relation to your children; parenting arrangements; domestic violence concerns and support agencies who can work with you. Our mission is to support and assist YOU.

    Best Family Lawyer Sunshine Coast

    Even More Success Stories
    John Rugless Avatar
    John Rugless
    Very happy with their service. Professional and efficient. Hard working and definitely know what they are doing. I will never see another Lawyer ever again.
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    Shane David Avatar
    Shane David
    If you’re going through a rough family dispute, no matter if it’s big or small, then I 100% fully recommend the Alex Mandry group! I consider them one of the best in South Australia! They are the best in being professional, respectful, considerate, punctual and they are very eager to deliver the results you are seeking. I dealt mainly with Sandra and I couldn’t of been any more satisfied with the work and dedication she and her associates put into my case. So, if you think the odds are against you and feel as though everything is going against you, then I definitely recommend you give this dedicated firm a call! A big heart warming thank you from me to everyone with the Alex Mandry group. I wish you all the best.
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    Sophie Karnezis Avatar
    Sophie Karnezis
    I have been a client of this legal practice for a number of years now, mainly liaising with Ms Tracy Bland, and can honestly say that they are reliable, highly knowledgeable professionals who are thorough and detailed in the advice and support they provide. I have always been treated with kindness, respect and empathy and have an excellent working relationship with my legal team. Over the years I have utilised their services for predominantly family law matters including divorce, property settlement, children's matters as well as creating legal wills and power of attorney documents. I find that the team are across all issues and provide the necessary guidance and support needed during difficult personal situations. Great service by the whole team and I always feel comfortable approaching them with any thoughts, queries or issues that I may have. They are always happy to help and it never seems to be of any trouble to anyone I approach. They are also very understanding in terms of providing value for money and in keeping costs to a minimum. More than happy to recommend this wonderful practice.
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    Dave Coe Avatar
    Dave Coe
    Very happy with the service. All members of the team helped me with all issues, no matter how small. Very professional
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    Laura Dissegna Avatar
    Laura Dissegna
    Spoke with Sandra this morning and she couldn't have been kinder or more helpful. She listened to what I had to say and addressed everything in a caring manner. It was like speaking to family. Thank you so much Sandra for your time.
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    ReneegadeBeats Avatar
    Excellent service, great outcome. I am so glad I contacted this service. Sandy is experienced, efficient, and caring. She explained everything in terms that made sense to me, and got us through our difficult times with compassion and understanding. Very grateful for everything, thank you!
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    Dean Bell Avatar
    Dean Bell
    So glad I found you on the Sunshine Coast. Thank you for making a very stressful time in my life and the whole family law process so much more bearable. I don't know where I'd be today without your help and support.
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    Jason Hulett Avatar
    Jason Hulett
    Thankyou to Sandra especially she has been not just a amazing lawyer but teacher, through out my family break down sandra has been compassionate and understanding but also hard and direct when required. Her knowledge of the family law system is second to none. If that is not enough with sandra based on the Sunshine Coast and myself just south it is easy to mix business and relaxation afterwards.
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    Ready to start the process? Or just want to know the next steps?

    Speak with a Family Lawyer today.

    Family Law Sunshine Coast

    Get Practical Support To Manage Your Separation

    Sunshine Coast Family Lawyer

    We understand that you’re likely to be on an emotional roller coaster. And this can be the case whether it was you who chose the separation or not.

    We also understand the possible implications associated with relationship breakdowns – whether that be related to businesses, trusts, property, domestic violence, children, custody or spousal maintenance.

    And so that you can reach a fair and favourable outcome for you, our role is to provide you with sensible advice and strong legal representation on these concerns.

    It’s our job to help you legally retain the assets that are important to you, while coming up with creative solutions that is emotionally better for you and your family.

    Family Law Sunshine Coast Queensland

    Clever Advice And An Ability To "Think Outside The Box"

    Family Lawyer Sunshine Coast

    One of the things that we’d love to discuss with you are the “out of the box” solutions that are available in attempting to resolve your matter.

    We find that alternative solutions may allow a more positive outcome that more closely suits your specific needs without needing to resort to expensive court proceedings.

    It is entirely possible that the final orders that a Judge may make do not satisfactorily resolve your conflict. And that’s why we like to encourage our clients to seek and negotiate for solutions outside of court.

    Talk to us today so that we can discuss your matter and look for clever options for your difficult problem.

    Sunshine Coast Family Lawyer Sunshine Coast

    Sunshine Coast Family Lawyers

    An Accommodating & Caring Team To Help Put You At Ease

    We recognise the significant disruptions you have experienced in your life and acknowledge that there might be various underlying challenges that we can assist you with.

    Based upon our extensive expertise, we will make well-informed decisions for you, grounded in logic and reason rather than emotions. Our ultimate goal is to achieve affordable and favourable outcomes for you.

    If your case proceeds to a court hearing, you can have peace of mind knowing that Alex Mandry is devoted to safeguarding your rights and providing you with robust legal representation that fights for you and your family’s protection.

    To initiate the process, the first step is to contact us and discuss your current situation. This will enable us to offer guidance on the subsequent actions to consider.

    Alex Mandry belongs to the following Legal Associations Alex Mandry Sunshine Family Legal Associations
    Ready to start the process? Or just want to know the next steps?

    Speak with a Family Lawyer today.

    Family Lawyer Sunshine Coast

    Our Legal Services Includes

    Divorce & Separation

    Alex Mandry understands the stresses and implications that is associated with relationship breakdowns. We can assist you in obtaining your Sunshine Coast divorce in a cost-effective and timely manner and will provide assistance with all aspects of your divorce, including completion of the application and any supporting affidavit, serving the application on your spouse and attending the Court hearing (if required).

    Property Settlement

    Property Settlement

    In the event of a divorce or separation, property is divided between the ex-partners (including married, de facto and same sex partners). This is known as a property settlement. We can assist you in achieving the best possible property settlement and ensure that your property settlement is legally binding, giving you the long term protection you need.

    Children’s Issues

    Children’s Issues

    As experienced children’s issues lawyers, often the most important issue for parents following separation is deciding “who the will children live with”. Our child children’s issues lawyers can advise you on your legal rights and responsibilities regarding the living arrangements of your children. Such advice might include varying proposals to take into account the age of your children or your changing work requirements.

    Child Support

    Child Support

    If you think you are paying too much, or not receiving enough, we can help you. We have had positive results in achieving refunds of over-payments for our clients. Or if you want to determine your own payments but are still looking for a formal arrangement, our child support lawyers can assist you with Binding or Limited Child Support Agreements.

    Financial Agreements

    Financial Agreements

    Anecdotally, they may be referred to as “prenuptial agreements”. Financial agreements are contracts under the Australian Family Law Act in which parties to a marriage or de facto relationship enter into a legal agreement governing the financial arrangements should a marriage or relationship break down or end in divorce. We can assist you by advising whether a Financial Agreement may be right for you and, if so, preparing and advising on the Agreement itself.

    Spousal Maintenance

    Spousal Maintenance

    Spousal maintenance is an area of family law and is the obligation of one party to financially support the other party after separation or Sunshine Coast divorce. It is not automatic and requires either agreement or an application to the Family Courts. If you are in receipt of an income test pension, allowance or benefit, or your income is significantly lower than that of your former spouse, you may be eligible to apply for spousal maintenance.

    Sunshine Coast Family Lawyers FAQ

    When is the best time to contact a Sunshine Coast Family Lawyer?

    Sometimes we can spend a lot of time and emotional energy trying to negotiate with a former spouse or partner, and even though we think that this negotiating is a good idea and saving money, if you have tried this approach and you’re still “standing still” then you need to consider a Sunshine Coast Family Lawyer.

    This is true in family law, parenting and property division matters. In parenting matters, it’s important to remember that separation on its own will have a long lasting impact on your children; failing to resolve conflict quickly could have more serious consequences for your children. In property division matters, if you know that there is no prospect of reconciliation, deal with your asset division quickly.

    We often hear clients saying what their assets were worth at separation, however the courts will take into account the value of assets at the time of settlement, even if it’s 2 years later (this includes any increase in the value of your superannuation).

    Do I really need a Sunshine Coast family lawyer? Can’t I do it myself?

    When you need your car fixed, or your house painted, chances are that you are going to try and find a good affordable mechanic or a reputable painter. This is because you know that what needs doing is outside your area of expertise. It doesn’t mean you can’t fix the car or paint the house, but you know that it’s not going to be a professional job and you might have issues with the work that you’ve done.

    Hiring a solicitor / lawyer is the same. An experienced Sunshine Coast Family Lawyer has not just studied family law, they have been at the coalface of family law, representing clients for negotiations, mediations and in court hearings. They understand the complexities of the law and the way the Courts work. They know how the courts have dealt with matters that have similar facts to yours, and they know how to source the best external experts (such as valuers, therapists etc) who can best assist you.

    Most importantly, they understand how important it is for you to find a resolution that works for you.

    How can I save on legal fees & cost with a divorce / Sunshine Coast family lawyer?

    The best way to save on legal fees and cost is to consider a mediation rather than going to court. Mediations allow the parties to air their grievances in a “safe” environment (what happens at mediations remains confidential and it allows them an opportunity to canvas creative solutions to their problems.

    One the important things that you should consider about mediation is that the parties are in control of the outcome. Once you are in family court and heading for a trial, you are going to have to accept a decision from a Judge who does not know you, your former spouse or partner, your children or your extended family.

    For a mediation to be successful both parties must be willing to attend and willing to compromise. But it works!

    I want to take the children and move interstate to be with my new partner.

    The first thing you need to do is to try and negotiate this with the other parent. At least they will know what your intentions are, and you will know how they feel about it. If the other parent does not agree, and you simply take the children and leave the State, your partner can make an urgent application to the court and ask the court to make a “recovery order”.

    In almost all cases, the court will make such an order, ordering you to return with the children. If you do not return with the children, the court has the power to order the Federal Police to locate the children and return them to the care of the other parent. A safer and more sensible option is to make an application to the court seeking an order to relocate interstate (or in some cases, overseas).

    The court always has to be satisfied that it is in the best interests of the children and it will take into account varying factors when considering your application. Many of these applications are successful.

    My ex thinks they can make all of the decisions about the children…

    …just because I’ve moved out. What can I do? Unless there is a Court order to the contrary, there is a presumption that parents have equal shared parental responsibility for all major long term decisions about their children. This generally relates to where the children go to school, about major medical decisions, where the children live and religion.

    If the other parent is making unilateral decisions about major parenting issues, then you should consider getting us to write to them, and entering into negotiations about future parenting decisions. Of course, this presumption of equal shared parental responsibility can be set aside by the court if there is concern that the children are at risk in the care of the other parent, or if there is an Intervention Order/Domestic Violence Order.

    My former wife/husband wants some of my superannuation…

    I have worked for the whole of our marriage and I have a large superannuation fund. My former wife/husband just stayed home and raised the children. Now she/he wants some of my superannuation…

    Superannuation is an asset that was accumulated during the relationship, and it will be treated as an asset. However, it is dealt with differently and in particular this is because it is more of a financial resource – particularly if the parties are many years from retirement age.

    One of the main differences between superannuation and other assets is that you cannot convert it to cash and divide it. In many cases, the total superannuation interests of both parties will be equalised – so if you have $180,000 in your superannuation fund and your former spouse/partner has $20,000, then you are both likely to end up with $100,000 each. This can only be done by a court order or a financial agreement and is called a “splitting order”.

    Of course it is not compulsory to “split” superannuation and there are other ways to divide up the asset pool.

    My parents gave us money for our home and want it back. My ex won’t agree…

    My parents gave us money towards our first home. Now that we are separated, my parents are saying that they want that money back when the house is sold. My ex won’t agree…

    This question often arises. The answer is not a simple one and there are many questions that might follow; was the money characterised as a gift at the time? If so, your parents are unlikely to recover it. If it was characterised as a loan, then they may need to provide evidence (for example, a written loan agreement or a sworn affidavit with evidence of the payment).

    The length of the marriage or relationship is also a consideration for this question – for example, if your marriage has been a long one, it is unlikely that such an initial contribution will be recoverable.

    I am sure that I am paying too much child support, but I can’t get any help…

    I am sure that I am paying too much child support, but I can’t get any help from the Child Support Agency…

    Are you paying too much child support? Do you think you should be paid more child support? We offer a set fee review by a child support lawyer to determine whether you are eligible to make an application for a change of assessment or any other application which will improve your assessment.

    We’re here to support you in making the best choices to achieve the best possible results. With Tracy Bland on our team, we’ve successfully secured refunds for overpayments and resolved incorrect assessments, including penalties.

    Do I have to wait for a year to get divorced?

    Since 1975, it has been the law that married couples cannot file an Application for Divorce until they have been separated for 12 months. If you reconcile during that separation and then separate again, then you must start the time again from the date of the second (or last) separation.

    Once you file an application for divorce, it will be given a hearing date and you must then take steps to personally serve your husband or wife. If you are unable to effect service, then the divorce hearing cannot proceed. If you do not know where your spouse is living, we can help you locate him or her so that they can be served. We can also assist you to make submissions to the court to hear your application if you are unable to locate your husband/wife and serve them. So if you need a Sunshine Coast Law Firm without the cost of gold plating, contact us.

    "Protecting your rights at a cost-effective price"

    Book a Consultation

    The next step is to speak to our Family Lawyers.

    Your issue can be major or minor.

    Either way Alex Mandry is happy to help.

    Book your consultation to find out where you stand, and find out what you need to do in order to protect your rights.

    Your first consultation will give you the opportunity to:

    • Meet with one of our lawyers to discuss your matter in general.
    • Receive initial advice on your situation.
    • Get initial guidance on the legal cost of separation.
    • To accommodate for COVID-19, we’re able to meet via Zoom.
    Fill in the form or call 07 5442 0000 to get assistance


    Fill in the form to get help from a
    Sunshine Coast Family Lawyer.

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      What Our Recent Clients Have To Say About Us
      John Rugless Avatar
      John Rugless
      Very happy with their service. Professional and efficient. Hard working and definitely know what they are doing. I will never see another Lawyer ever again.
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      Shane David Avatar
      Shane David
      If you’re going through a rough family dispute, no matter if it’s big or small, then I 100% fully recommend the Alex Mandry group! I consider them one of the best in South Australia! They are the best in being professional, respectful, considerate, punctual and they are very eager to deliver the results you are seeking. I dealt mainly with Sandra and I couldn’t of been any more satisfied with the work and dedication she and her associates put into my case. So, if you think the odds are against you and feel as though everything is going against you, then I definitely recommend you give this dedicated firm a call! A big heart warming thank you from me to everyone with the Alex Mandry group. I wish you all the best.
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      Sophie Karnezis Avatar
      Sophie Karnezis
      I have been a client of this legal practice for a number of years now, mainly liaising with Ms Tracy Bland, and can honestly say that they are reliable, highly knowledgeable professionals who are thorough and detailed in the advice and support they provide. I have always been treated with kindness, respect and empathy and have an excellent working relationship with my legal team. Over the years I have utilised their services for predominantly family law matters including divorce, property settlement, children's matters as well as creating legal wills and power of attorney documents. I find that the team are across all issues and provide the necessary guidance and support needed during difficult personal situations. Great service by the whole team and I always feel comfortable approaching them with any thoughts, queries or issues that I may have. They are always happy to help and it never seems to be of any trouble to anyone I approach. They are also very understanding in terms of providing value for money and in keeping costs to a minimum. More than happy to recommend this wonderful practice.
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      Dave Coe Avatar
      Dave Coe
      Very happy with the service. All members of the team helped me with all issues, no matter how small. Very professional
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      Laura Dissegna Avatar
      Laura Dissegna
      Spoke with Sandra this morning and she couldn't have been kinder or more helpful. She listened to what I had to say and addressed everything in a caring manner. It was like speaking to family. Thank you so much Sandra for your time.
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      ReneegadeBeats Avatar
      Excellent service, great outcome. I am so glad I contacted this service. Sandy is experienced, efficient, and caring. She explained everything in terms that made sense to me, and got us through our difficult times with compassion and understanding. Very grateful for everything, thank you!
      read more
      Dean Bell Avatar
      Dean Bell
      So glad I found you on the Sunshine Coast. Thank you for making a very stressful time in my life and the whole family law process so much more bearable. I don't know where I'd be today without your help and support.
      read more
      Jason Hulett Avatar
      Jason Hulett
      Thankyou to Sandra especially she has been not just a amazing lawyer but teacher, through out my family break down sandra has been compassionate and understanding but also hard and direct when required. Her knowledge of the family law system is second to none. If that is not enough with sandra based on the Sunshine Coast and myself just south it is easy to mix business and relaxation afterwards.
      read more


      Alex Mandry Family Lawyers Sunshine Coast
      Level 1, 25 Duporth Avenue,
      Maroochydore QLD 4558
      07 5442 0000

      If you’re in Queensland then we may be able to service you.

      Sunshine Coast

      Alexandra Headland, Buderim

      Family Law Maroochydore

      Mooloolaba, Buddina, Sippy Downs

      Family Lawyers Noosa

      Noosa Heads, Noosaville, Peregian, Coolum

      Family Law Caloundra

      Currimundi, Pelican Waters, Birtinya


      Rural, South Queensland, Nambour


      Sunshine Coast Family Solicitors

      Law Firm Founded in March 2015

      Ready to start the process? Or just want to know the next steps?

      Speak with a Family Lawyer today.


      Sunshine Coast, QLD

      About Sunshine Coast, QLD

      Sunshine Coast is a peri-urban region in South East Queensland, Australia. It is the district defined in 1967 as "the area contained in the Shires of Landsborough, Maroochy and Noosa, but excluding Bribie Island". Located 100 km (62 mi) north of the centre of Brisbane in South East Queensland, on the Coral Sea coastline, its urban area spans approximately 60 km (37 mi) of coastline and hinterland from Pelican Waters to Tewantin. The area was first settled by Papuasians migrating from northern Australia. Europeans settled in the area in the 19th century, with development progressing slowly until tourism became an important industry. The area has several coastal hubs at Caloundra, Kawana Waters, Maroochydore and Noosa Heads. Nambour and Maleny have developed as primary commercial centres for the hinterland. Since 2014, the Sunshine Coast district has been split into two local government areas, the Sunshine Coast Region and the Shire of Noosa, which administer the southern and northern parts of the Sunshine Coast respectively. As of June 2018, with an estimated urban population of 333,436, the Sunshine Coast is the third most populated area in Queensland and the 9th most populous in the country. The population of the area has grown steadily at an average annual rate of 2.4% year-on-year over the five years to 2018.

      Neighbourhoods in Sunshine Coast, QLD

      Caloundra, Buddina, Eumundi, Meridan Plains



      Extremely approachable and down to earth Sandra really listens and thoroughly explains the requirements and process. After a lot of stress I had peace of mind just from our initial consultation. I cant recommend Sandra and Alex Mandry highly enough. If you need a family lawyer this is the firm to see.

      Rogue Gambits

      Phenomenal service, honestly not what I expect when dealing with a lawyer. If you need an approachable lawyer that knows her stuff second to none on the Sunny Coast, Sandra is the one

      Laura Dissegna

      Spoke with Sandra this morning and she couldn't have been kinder or more helpful. She listened to what I had to say and addressed everything in a caring manner. It was like speaking to family. Thank you so much Sandra for your time.


      Excellent service, great outcome. I am so glad I contacted this service. Sandy is experienced, efficient, and caring. She explained everything in terms that made sense to me, and got us through our difficult times with compassion and understanding. Very grateful for everything, thank you!

      Matt Einstein

      Sandra Sinclair and her talented team were unbelievable helpful to ensure me and my kids got the best outcome we could get with their outstanding family law advice. I highly recommend Alex-Mandry Sunshine Coast!!! All I can say is that their lawyers are efficient, knowledgeable and attentive to your requests. Thank you for your service.