Have you been un-expectantly left out of a Will? Or do you feel you were entitled to more of your loved one’s estate?
When your spouse, parent or step-parent dies and their last Will does not leave their Estate the way which you think is fair, there may be something you can do about it. Generally, there are several ways in which you can dispute a Will and if you have any doubts at any time about the creation and execution of a Will, we are happy to meet with you to discuss. Remember though that timing is important and you must act quickly.
There are two ways to dispute a Will which are more common than the others. The first is you can challenge a Will on the basis that the deceased person did not know what they were doing when the Will was signed. If you believe that the person who wrote the Will did not have legal capacity, we can challenge the Will on your behalf and have it set aside.
The second and far more common way which you can challenge a Will is where the Deceased knew what he or she was doing when the Will was signed, but you are not happy with its contents because the Deceased did not properly provide for you.
If you believe that you have grounds to dispute a Will, make an appointment to see one of our experienced lawyers for an initial advice to determine whether you are likely to have a claim.
For more information or to discuss next steps, contact our office on 1800 329 090. Our specialist Wills & Estate lawyers are here to help you.